Access to networks

An extensive network
to support our clients


Access to networks

From collectors and entrepreneurs to managing directors, our family office clients gain access to a wide network of private clients with the same interests and experts who can offer tailored advisory services and solutions.

Our approach

  1. Art, collectibles and special assets

    Clients wishing to invest in art, wine, or even woods and forests can discuss their projects with like-minded experts and network partners and seek out their advice.

  2. Entrepreneurs

    We connect our clients to other entrepreneurs with the same interests or business ideas – like in the “Oddo BHF – Companies and Families” group, which is reserved exclusively for family entrepreneurs and shareholders.

  3. Law firms and notaries

    Our clients can rely on our Europe-wide network of lawyers and notaries, who will be glad to advise them on general and highly specific topics alike.


  1. Asset management

    The composition of our clients’ assets is becoming increasingly varied. To help them to achieve their goals, we support them in areas ranging from tax and legal issues through to administrative aspects and continuous asset monitoring. We begin with a needs analysis, assist them in determining and implementing their strategy, and offer comprehensive reporting.

  2. Asset organisation

    We help our clients to analyse their asset situation and develop an individual family strategy so that we can structure their investments optimally with regard to tax law, arrange proactive succession planning and safeguard their pension provision and family management.

  3. Foundations and philanthropy

    We contribute to the success of our family clients’ charitable organisations and projects by helping them to set up and arrange asset management for foundations and non-profit solutions.

Meet Us


The family office team at ODDO BHF in Frankfurt offers a broad range of services including wealth architecture, wealth management and wealth monitoring.


The modular service offering of the ODDO BHF family office team in Paris includes services such as asset organisation, family governance and asset management.


The modular service offering of the ODDO BHF family office team in Zurich ranges from asset organisation and management to comprehensive asset servicing.